Prefs 17 Nov




  1.     A new set of goal posts is fine by me.  Name your terms.

  2.  .

  3.       The Word doc was typed by quite a run of the mill typist.  It enabled me to present the file to a publisher which produced the book and, of course, the www presence.
  5.      Patricia is my partner for whom I spent weeks, yes weeks, setting it up from the initial Word doc, numerous warts and all.  Obviously, that Word doc is retained the event of a reprint.

  6.  All of which goes to show how very much impressed I was to see what potential you presented.

  7.  However, I want you to continue under revised terms as I've already said.
  9.   I have suggested that you continue to send chunks of the book as they are produced.  I hope we can agree that once sent, I process the batches without recourse to returning them with corrections.
  11. I was literally supralunar to learn you could reproduce complicated diagrams etc and on seeing the Final Model, levels of gratitude and amazement went off any scale anyone might imagine.
  13.     "Since then I have spent far more time discussing and repeatedly sending over files so you to use my Word files in Blogger to achieve what is virtually impossible to do."
  15.   As you have seen within the Half a Pair of People blog, I converted a Word doc into A a book, and B a blog.

  16.  Re your son," He tells me that if you want a web page with all text styled just as you like, you will need to format it all on the web page itself using an agreed set of styles for headings, tabular data, etc."

  17. Which is what I did for the Patricia blog. I've already said I'm happy to perform changes to any material you send me.

  18.    "I think we can both agree that what I produced as a Word file was exactly as promised - and that was exactly as I had planned to do in my estimate I sent you."

  19. 100% agreed.

  20. "My son also suggests that perhaps a way forward is for you to run your blog on Blogger - but to offer the book itself as a Word file via a link or button on one of the blog pages. He says that better still would be to offer the book as a PDF."

  21. In its final form academic and other writers will want to paste my text into whatever medium they are using.  They will be given a hard copy of the book (ie the book) when they sign in to a procedure I will set up later.

  22. "I will happily proceed with making your old book into a new Word file for the originally agreed price. Just yesterday, however, you stated in an email that “the Word doc is of less interest” - so the goalposts have moved again"
  24.   The Word doc within this context is only a way of posting to the blog.  Thereafter, it can sit until I decide to republish.  However, as the blog develops, all manner of different topics will be included.  I can't see that any goal posts have been moved. 

  25.  " I am not able to put the content from your book into an online blog (using Blogger, Wordpress, etc.) because, as mentioned, I do not have the necessary skills."

  26.  I have never asked you to actually place the work you do any where bur on to a Word doc.  If I am mistaken, please quote me.

  27.  " As mentioned, I am currently on the last of three days working in-house for a client - so I won’t be around all day today."

  28. I remember that I said that if you're not available due to other work, that is perfectly fine to me.

  29.   If you feel that a face to face session is warranted, that is also perfectly fine to me.
  31.   I'm content for you to send new material and look forward to posting it to the blog. 

  32. In the meantime, I wish every success in anything and any work you carry out on my behalf.

 With best regards,



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